The IRS requires that you keep receipts on file for 7 years, in the event that your taxes are audited. Learn what documents to keep on file, just in case.
The IRS requires that you keep receipts on file for 7 years, in the event that your taxes are audited. While this seems like a long time to keep your paperwork around, we make it easy with Dext Prepare and Dropbox. The IRS allows for digital copies of receipts, so as long as you have provided legible copies to us, you do not need to keep paper copies on hand.
Take a picture of receipts good lighting and be sure that the following information is clearly legible:
- Vendor Name
- Date, Amount
- Payment method
- Job Costing Information, if applicable
Providing a clear image and any other relevant information will ensure that Dext Prepare's robots and our humans can process all of the details automagically.
Here is an example of what a receipt should look like when uploading to Dext Prepare:

Purchases Made for the Business on Personal Accounts
We understand that you may occasionally pay for business transactions on personal cards. If this happens, we can easily get the expenses and the owner contribution on the books if you provide the receipt to us (using the method above). Just write "Personal Funds" on the receipt so we know how to handle this expense.
Normally, we will be able to see all check images in your bank account using our read-only access, so it is unnecessary for you to provide this information to us. However, some banks do not provide check images, so we may request an image from you to help resolve an accounting mystery.
Please be sure that the following information is clearly legible:
- Vendor Name
- Date
- Amount
- Account Number (if you pay from more than one checking account)
- Check Number
- Any relevant information in the memo line
- Job Costing Information, if applicable
Here is an example of what we are looking for:

Normally, we will be able to see all deposit images in your bank account using our read-only access, so it is unnecessary for you to provide this information to us. However, some banks do not provide deposit images, so we may request an image from you to help resolve an accounting mystery.
Please be sure that the following information is clearly legible:
- Total Deposit Amount via the Deposit Slip
- Customer Name, Checks Numbers, and Amounts Included in Deposit
Invoices that are being paid with each check- write this on the memo line
Bills to be Paid
If we manage Accounts Payable for you, it is important to send us bills in a timely manner, so that we can be sure that your vendors are paid on time.
When submitting a bill to be paid, please be sure that the following information is present and legible:
- Vendor Name
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Date
- Due Date
- Terms
- Customer ID (if available)
- Vendor Contact Info (Address, Phone, Email)
- Job Costing Information, if applicable
If you have already paid the bill and are providing the bill for our reference only, please be sure to write "Paid" on the bill or we may inadvertently process the bill for payment.

Loan/Lease Agreements
Did you recently buy or lease a company car? It's important to send us loan/lease documentation so that we can be sure that we properly account for the asset and any loans that you've taken to pay for them. When sending us loan/lease agreements, please be sure that you include all pages that were provided to you by the lender.
IRS or State Agency Letters
Occasionally the IRS or the State will send you a love letter in the mail. This letter may be informing you that you owe money for a certain period or that your withholding rates have changed. Please be sure that you include all pages of the notice received so that we can fully understand what the letter means and take action on it. It is important to note that many letters that you will receive from the IRS or the State will be time-sensitive, so please send them immediately.